Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Manor Farm Park Kingfisher

The Freshwater Invertebrate Network (FIN_BBC) had tweeted in early September, there was a Kingfisher on Merritt's Brook at Manor Farm Park. I've checked this brook and park a number of times over the years. A few years back there were a couple Herons present and last year there was a lot of small fish in the brook, more than I'd seen at any other brook or river. I should have spent more time checking it out as I've now seen the Kingfisher a few times myself. It's always been in the same location on a fallen tree behind some trees and bushes. I've then seen it fly along the brook and call a few times. Last weekend it flew out onto the brook at the bottom of the grass slope, just down from the car park. This gave me chance to get a photograph