Monday, 25 January 2021

Kingfisher and Dipper update

One or two Dippers along the River Rea most mornings at sunrise along with a calling Kingfisher.

There's another female Kingfisher further along the Rea.

Along the Bourn Brook there's the blue bridge Kingfisher and another near the roundabout.

The juvenile, now young assumed male Dipper has been up the Bourn Brook. Saw it with another quiet Dipper assumed to be female and young.

Seen the quite, young female Dippers several times coming into roost.

At roost we've seen one of the Dippers flying up and down either over trees or buildings. Very interesting behaviour. We assume this is territorial.

One Saturday we saw one of the Dippers, which we assumed was the young male, fly off and we assume head to the River Rea.

Friday, 1 January 2021

Dipper & Kingfisher update

Wednesday & NYE, the juv Dipper was at the River Rea at sunrise, it sang and zipped off.

NYE Kate, saw one on the Bourn Brook by the roundabout / big pipes

NYD Paul saw 2 by the Uni.

NYE, 2 Kingfisher along the Bourn Brook, big pipes and down from the blue bridge

Kate saw them NYE as well

NYD Kingfisher on the River Rea and then up the Bourn Brook

Kate, saw the Bourn Brook, blue bridge Kingfisher

Adrian saw a Kings Norton Kingfisher on the bend by the park