Sunday, 3 February 2013

More Kingfishers

Today I got a picture of the Kingfisher on Wychall Reservoir Nature Reserve, Kings Norton, Birmingham - I had seen this Kingfisher a month a go after seeing a photo of it posted on Flickr. I looked on the River Rea nearby where I had seen it fly down before. I then looked on the small brook that joins the Wychall and the Rea, again I had seen it here before, very briefly flying along. I looked along the Wychall nature reserve as there are a couple pools I thought it might fish on. I'd looked at this metal guard before as it's near the path and stands out. It stops people from entering the tunnels which can move water from the Reservoir to the  river. It also has got a lot of debris built up behind it. The guard stops this debris like a dam or a filter. I had given up on finding the kingfisher and was thinking of cycling home. But as I went past the guard I saw something out of the corner of my eye on the back drop of the metal. Bingo! It was the kingfisher. I couldn't believe it. Of all the places. Very clever I guess as fish must swim under the debris. and the kingfisher sat on the guard fishing below, the fish that make it through the debris. I now understand Kingfishers fish in very slow water. I'd seen this kingfisher, fishing on the slower brook that joined the River Rea. Fish from the fast River Rea would swim up the slower brook and the kingfisher was placed ideally to catch them. Same as another recent kingfisher find on a very open fishing lake in Langdon Hill nature reserve in Essex. The wind would blow the open water across the lake. The kingfisher fished where the trees on the island and in the corner of the lake, shielded the lake from the wind so the water was calm and could be fished.

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