Saturday, 21 September 2019

Kingfisher fledglings September 2019

So in Essex I got to see some Kingfisher fledglings. I was not expecting it. One late afternoon there were a couple along the back stretch of the main Stanford Warren fishing lake.
In Birmingham, there were reports of what sounded like 2 fledglings at Wychall Reservoir. These could have been from the Kings Norton pair.

Monday, 2 September 2019

Birmingham Kingfisher September 2019

On the River Cole, Trittiford, I saw three Kingfisher fly past, one was tutting so it looked like a chase.
On the River Rea, Ten Acres I saw two Kingfisher, I think they were in a chase.
On the River Cole, in August I think I missed any fledglings.
One weekend I thought the Kingfisher was still flying in with food, the next week it stopped.
On the River Rea, Ten Acres in July and August I was hopeful that a pair of Kingfisher had a nest but as time went by it seemed only one Kingfisher was present (one weekend in July I think I saw the pair for the last time).
The River Rea, Kings Norton Kingfisher I think attempted two broods but again it was the same thing, one weekend there were two then the next weekend I only saw one and then the sightings go less frequent. I think I missed the fledging.
On the Bourn Brook only the one Kingfisher was regular.
Then it was reported there were two on the lower Bourn Brook, this could have been territorial.